I’ve finally taken the time to clean up and open source some code I’ve been using internally for a while to make interacting with NetSuite RESTlets less painful.

SuiteRest is a simple Ruby Gem which lets you configure your NetSuite credentials, define a RESTlet service you’ve deployed in NetSuite, and then call out to that service:

SuiteRest.configure do |config|
	config.account    = 123456
	config.email      = "email@mail.com"
	config.role       = 1010
	config.signature  = "password"

get_world = SuiteRest::RestService.new( :type => :get,
					:script_id => 27,
					:deploy_id => 1,
					:args_def => [:world_description] )

get_world.call(:world_description => "Big") # "Hello Big World"

In the above example, I called out to a previously deployed RESTlet service in NetSuite with the following code:

function getTest(datain) {
	if(datain.worldDescription) {
		return("Hello " + datain.worldDescription + " World");
	} else {
		return("Hello World");

If you’re used to working with the developer friendly tools offered by most modern SaaS providers, interacting and integrating with NetSuite can be a painful experience. This is one of a handful of simple tools I’ve created to slightly improve the process which I’ll be cleaning up and open sourcing soon.

Check out SuiteRest on GitHub if it would be useful to you.